It is thrilling to introduce you to the new kitchen sponge holder, inspired by the ancient Greek theatre mask.
The product is not only unique and eye-catching but also highly functional, as it provides a convenient and hygienic place to store your kitchen sponge. The design of our sponge holder is inspired by the iconic masks worn by actors in ancient Greek theatre. The masks were used to express different emotions and convey the personalities of the characters in the play.
The design was incorporated into the sponge holder to bring a touch of cultural heritage and sophisticated artistic expression directly to your kitchen. But this product is not just unique in its design.
It is also a necessary addition in the context of a post-modern critique of consumerism. As consumers, we are often encouraged to buy new products and dispose of old ones quickly, contributing to a throwaway culture that harms the environment.
The cultural history of the Greek theatre begins in 534 BC. Culture develops, takes on a global significance, actors use masks to reflect emotions more convincingly, moving culture forward. Hundreds of years later, the Roman Empire would use elements of Greek theatrical trappings to decorate buildings, paying tribute to an advanced culture, and linking two great civilisations by a thin thread.
Further, ancient Roman architecture and ancient Greek culture were a powerful source of inspiration for future architects, artists, theatrical figures, religious figures, directors, sculptors and politicians.
Centuries of cultural development, linked by a fine thread of interaction and inspiration from a civilisation that developed democracy and rhetoric, politics and philosophy, are embodied in the omens of culture and architecture…
…a mask in your kitchen that you can put your dish sponge in.

Materials, visuals, promotion
The packaging box is made of translucent flexible Priplack plastic. The combination with the bright colour of the mask material creates a halftone effect, with only the silhouette of the mask visible through the box. This decision was made to emphasise the elitism of the product, as well as the ephemeral perception of the concept, the blurriness of contexts and the translucency of the possibilities of interpretation of the product itself.
The packaging design is a minimalist and at the same time ascetic concept, containing only an inscription framing the box itself. Using this technique, the packaging design specifically emphasises the unnecessarity of superfluous elements. The typography and the translucent image of the mask itself create the necessary synergy of feeling and communication with the user.
Just as the mask itself holds many conceptual meanings, the packaging holds everything you need inside it. The package includes the mask itself, a booklet explaining the concept, and a stand made of dense black cardboard that outlines and reinforces the architectural feel of the product.
The Metropolis display typeface was chosen because of its successful combination of preserving the features of antique classicism, referring to the Roman capitalis monumentalis, as well as the introduction of modern elegance of the thickness combination of the elements.
San Francisco Pro Text was used for the concert text. Simultaneously complementing and contrasting the accented Metropolis display, the San Francisco is perfectly balanced for reading the text. Clear and modern aesthetics: San Francisco Pro Text has a modern and elegant design that combines clean lines and harmonious proportions.Each character in the San Francisco Pro Text font is carefully calibrated to ensure correct metrics and indents. This is important to create a harmonious and even appearance of the text and to avoid alignment and spacing problems.
The main accent colour serves two functions. Firstly, accentuation. The bright orange display colour contrasts perfectly with the rest of the elements and draws attention to the accentuated elements. Secondly, this colour interrelates with the colour of its mask. The bright eye-catching orange colour refers to an equally bright display of the product's artistic message. In addition to the secondary calm grey colour, this contrasting combination forms a visual sense of elitism and luxury of the product. On the one hand, the light grey of the text is bright enough to be readable in small print. on the other hand, it blends harmoniously into the overall colour palette without standing out contextually.
Thus, meticulous work has been done in creating the product, manufacturing the product, designing and producing the packaging, designing and producing supplementary materials, designing media products, and complementary elements.
The comprehensive approach has demonstrated that packaging design is not only about integrating multiple elements to create a cohesive whole, but it also involves meticulous work with the final visual, material selection, concept development, establishing a design language, and communicating with the target audience. Ultimately, all these efforts are aimed at evoking specific feelings, sensations, and emotions in the audience, which will help them accurately appreciate the artistic purpose of LAVRA DICENTIS.