In a fantasy universe, a dragon lives in its cave. Following the canons of fairy tales/ tabletop role-playing games and video games, society perceives the dragon as a threat and sends 'heroes' to deal with it.
For example, a knight comes to rescue a princess. Or an adventurer comes to get the treasure. Or a wizard comes to retrieve an important dragon artefact. Or a crowd of peasants turn on the dragon for a lost herd of cows.
Scenario twist: The dragon has nothing to do with any of this. He's neither a negative hero nor a positive one. He's just living his life. Dragon tries every time to get out of the situation posed by circumstances in a peaceful way, resorting to conversations and clarifications. But often the prejudices of society lead to aggressive behavior from those who come.
The goal of the game is to convince as many people as possible that the Dragon is innocent of anything and to achieve a peaceful life for the Dragon.
The idea is to make an introductory animation for the game that seamlessly immerses the player in the atmosphere of the world. On one side is the riots, wars and intrigues of the inhabitants of the land, on the other side in contrast is a dragon sipping a cup of tea and reading a book, living his normal life.
Opening animation for browser text based game
Rough animation storyboard